Tristan will direct new play 'The Fourth Dog' for Human Story Theatre this summer

Tristan will direct Zena Forster's new play 'The Fourth Dog' for Oxford based company 'Human Story Theatre'.

The play, a comedy about breast cancer and family baggage, will tour 8 Oxfordshire venues in July 2017.

Dramaturgy by John Retallack, movement direction by Emma Webb.

Cast includes: Karen Ford, John Tolputt, Renata Allen, Gaye Poole, Amy Enticknap and Adrian Banks.




Holmes and Watson: The Farewell Tour - Dates Announced

holmes eflyer.jpg

Holmes and Watson: The Farewell Tour, which Tristan directed for last year's Edinburgh Festival heads out on tour from February 22nd.

A preview performance has been announced in an unusual venue- Ye Olde Reindeer Inn in Banbury, the Town's oldest pub! The one hour show will play in the iconic wood panelled 'Globe Room' of the inn on 19th February at 7pm.

Tickets are only available on the door and will be issued on a first come first served basis, so please get there early to avoid disappointment.


Treasure Island enjoys successful run at Banbury Town Hall

Tristan's production of Treasure Island: The Panto ran for 2 weeks at Banbury Town Hall this January, playing to family audiences as well as many local primary schools in North Oxfordshire.

The historic venue proved a beautiful setting for Cherwell Theatre Company's 'hands on' and extra interactive re-telling of the classic Robert Louis Stevenson story (with a few modern twists!) and a great time was had by the 30+ young people involved in the production who worked alongside four professional actors to deliver a truly unique show.

CTC's next productions will be gala evening 'The American Evening' and a 24 hour play challenge in March 2017. 


Tristan to compose music for Caryl Churchill's 'Vinegar Tom'

Vinegar Tom plays at the Royal Theatre, Northampton 16-18 March 2017

Vinegar Tom plays at the Royal Theatre, Northampton 16-18 March 2017

Tristan is to compose original music for a production of Caryl Churchill's 'Vinegar Tom' in the Spring.

The production, directed by Emily Jenkins will feature third year acting students from the University of Northampton.

The songs, based on lyrics in Carly Churchill's original text will be rooted in the play's setting, 17th Century England. The songs will be arranged for 8 voices and follow a 'madrigal' style.


Tristan will direct "Treasure Island", his third production as Artistic Director for Cherwell Theatre Company

Treasure Island by Tristan Pate, Penny Tasker and Chris Fordred runs at Banbury Town Hall from 6-15 January 2017

Treasure Island by Tristan Pate, Penny Tasker and Chris Fordred runs at Banbury Town Hall from 6-15 January 2017

Tristan is thrilled to direct "Treasure Island" for Cherwell Theatre Company- his third production as Artistic Director.

CTC move to Banbury Town Hall for their twelfth festive production this January and are delighted to present their most interactive, immersive panto yet. The Town Hall will be transformed into a pirate ship and audiences welcomed aboard to join in the adventure.

The original script by Tristan, Penny Tasker and Chris Fordred features songs by Tristan with arrangements by Adrian Banks.

The principal cast of CTC's Treasure Island


Tristan joins the cast of "With You Always" at the Old Fire Station, Oxford

Tristan is delighted to join the cast of a new play by Mark Ralph Bowman "With You Always" at the Old Fire Station Oxford, in November.

A South African proverb says: “Money can’t talk, but it can make lies look true.”

Four women and two men –  all committed to “Overseas Aid” in an unnamed African country. Doing no harm must be the easiest thing in the world, right?

Sam and Alex – ambitious accountants judging development projects; Claire from Belper – on a mission to bring hope; Dambisa, Christopher and Edriam – local people engaged in the messy free-for-all of North meets South. These lives intersect in the complex, disturbing and sometimes farcical lived experience on the ground in Africa – a far cry from the neat, sentimental stories often told in fundraising telethons.

With You Always was inspired by the stories told in the book Aid, NGOs and the Realities of Women’s Lives: A Perfect Storm edited by Tina Wallace and Fenella Porter – research associates of IGS, Oxford.

There are two performances on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 November at 7.30pm.

The play will be directed by Emma Webb and Amantha Edmead.


Tristan joins team of artists bringing "Live Friday" to the Ashmolean, Oxford!

Tristan is delighted to join Creation Theatre and many other Oxford based artists, story tellers, actors, musicians- even acrobats (!) for "Live Friday" a unique event at Oxford's Ashmolean Museum on September 9.

The theme is "Under the Sea" and Tristan will be performing sea shanties and sailing songs among the museum's many exhibits as well as playing Kent an extract from King Lear, with Creation Theatre.


Holmes and Watson: The reviews are in!

Liam Nooney plays 'Anna Anderson' in Holmes and Watson: The Farewell tour

Liam Nooney plays 'Anna Anderson' in Holmes and Watson: The Farewell tour

Holmes and Watson: The Farewell Tour, directed by Tristan and Starring Liam Nooney and Adrian Banks has now closed after a largely sold out run during this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

The show received three and four star reviews from several publications including Broadway Baby who said:

"Sherlock Holmes meets a theatrical farce in this intelligently written double act that sparkles like the Blue Carbuncle.

The Farewell Tour introduces us to Holmes and Watson’s last joint adventure before Holmes retires to Sussex. However, Lestrade and Mrs Hudson (the other two performers) and the stagehands have all mysteriously disappeared, along with all the set. Therefore, it is down to Holmes and Watson to take on the roles of a Prime Minister in a pickle and his mistress the vaudeville singer, whilst also keeping an eye out for the long shadow of Moriarty. This is a well-researched piece with quotes from the original stories woven into the script, the Victorian era setting, and plenty of use of ‘the E word’, but it also utilises more modern interpretations of the tales, as the two attempt to dance around the homoerotic undertones and fall flat on their faces. As always, the story is just as much about the relationship between Holmes and Watson as it is the mystery. Throw in some well-choreographed, ridiculous stage fighting, a seduction scene confusing for everyone involved, some excellent lurking and a post-coital handshake, and it becomes an excellent romp of a mystery that will have you laughing along.

The performances of Holmes & Watson are great, taking enough of the original material to make them familiar, but adding a personal flair to each. Holmes, tending to distraction and addiction, ends up saying the wrong thing, and Watson prances around the stage, enjoying the opportunity to perform his favourite Shakespearian roles; the easy rivalry allows the two to fight for the limelight. The script is ingenious, full of zinging dialogue which causes fits of giggles.

The costumes are on point, putting Holmes in his signature deer-stalker and great coat. There is lovely interplay between the technicians and the character of Holmes, as Holmes snaps his fingers for light and sound cues to trigger.

It is a shame the scenes on the floor are difficult to see beyond the front row. This is particularly disappointing as they are the heartfelt ones, which leave the audience fidgeting for the comedy to resume. Holmes is full of smooth faced focus, but this runs the danger of him looking lost and bored in the background of scenes.

I would recommend this show to anyone who is a fan of the Sherlock Holmes stories or characters, but also to anyone looking for an intelligent two-hander.  

The production, produced by David Adkin LTD will tour in Spring 2017.


Holmes and Watson: The Farewell Tour- Previews announced and trailer unveiled!

Adrian Banks and Liam Nooney play Holmes and Watson in Stuart Fortey's play

The trailer has landed for David Adkin's production of "Holmes and Watson:The Farewell Tour", which Tristan is directing for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this summer.

Tickets can now be booked for the run at The Space Two, Edinburgh:

Previews have also been announced for the 21st July at The Mill Arts Centre, Banbury and the 27th July at the Rosemary Branch Theatre, London.


She Said She Wouldn't

Jess Lloyd Jones, Krage Brown and the creative team behind "She Said She Wouldn't"

Tristan was delighted to work with Oxford based writer Hannah Greenstreat, Assistant Director Griff Rees and actors Krage Brown and Jess Lloyd Jones on a short play "She Said She Wouldn't" as part of Offbeat Festival's 24 Hour Plays challenge.

The play, set in the Nine Lives Cat Sanctuary, was devised by the company into the early hours of Tuesday morning, the script delivered by the writer at 7am and then rehearsed throughout the day in preparation for a performance at The Old Fire Station, Oxford in the evening.

There was a Q&A with each group after their plays were performed and audience feedback was offered. The event was organised by Oxfordshire Theatre Makers and the Offbeat Festival continues throughout the week.


Tristan directs piece for the Offbeat festival Oxford


Tristan will shortly begin work with a team of Oxford theatre makers to present a 24 hour play as part of Oxford's Offbeat Festival in association with the Oxford Playhouse and Old Fire Station Theatre.

Devising will begin this evening and scriptwriting will take place into the early hours of Tuesday morning. Rehearsals will then dominate Tuesday afternoon and the piece will be performed alongside three other 24 hour plays at the Old Fire Station on the evening of the 21st.

Tickets are available on the day for OFS shows from the Old Fire Station box office*

You can also buy from Tickets Oxford by calling 01865 305305 or visiting


Tristan join's Creation Theatre for a rehearsed reading of "The First Quarto" version of Hamlet

The First Quarto version of Hamlet from 1604

The First Quarto version of Hamlet from 1604

Tristan will join a cast of 8 for a rehearsed reading of "The First Quarto" version of Hamlet with Creation Theatre Company in Oxford.

With Gertrude cast as Hamlet’s accomplice and many other unexplained oddities, audiences can expect a play that is quite different from the text of today.

There will be two performances, one on the 10th of June at Blackwells Bookshop and one on 11th June at Lady Margaret Hall.

The cast is as follows:

Claire Andreadis: Queen Gertred

Clare Humphrey: Horatio

Gavin Molloy: Marcellus / Voltemar/ Montano/ Laertes/ Guilderstone

Michael Palmer: Corambis (Polonius)/ Clowne Gravedigger

Tristan Pate: Centinel 2/ Rossencraft / Priest/ Foppish Gentleman

Natasha Rickman: Ofelia/ Second Clowne Gravedigger

Michael Sheldon: Ghost of Old Hamlet/ King (Claudius)/ The Player King

Chris York: Hamlet


Tristan plays German War Poet "Gerrit Engelke" in "Doppelganger

War Poet Gerrit Engelke

War Poet Gerrit Engelke

Tristan was delighted to take part in a rehearsed reading of the new play "Doppelganger" by Merryn Williams, which took place at Oxford Town Hall on Saturday 14th May.

The play was directed by Ian Flintoff and presented to an invited audience for consideration of further production.

This moving piece features real life characters from World War One including the well known War Poet Wilfred Owen and lesser known German writer Gerrit Engleke. It draws insightful parallels on the experience of the two men, hence the title: Doppelganger.
