Tristan was delighted to return from touring just in time to oversee Cherwell Theatre Company's annual gala improvisation event "The American Evening" in Banbury last week.
Tristan with members of the contingent from WWU in Seattle and CTC's Youth Theatre at RAF Croughton
The "Brit Tour" as the visiting students from Western Washington University call it is now in it's 10th year and CTC were delighted to once again welcome the talented actors in training to work with their students on two performances. These took the form of their own short plays, improvised scenes featuring members of CTC's Youth Theatre and "splash scenes" rehearsed partly in the US and partly here in the UK, then performed for the first time as a "whole" in front of our audiences at Banbury College and RAF Croughton.
This is the first time CTC has brought the American Evening to the servicemen and women on the base and were delighted to discover the purpose built theatre space on the base in Croughton, which is rather underused according to the base commander and staff there.
The company very much hope to bring more of their work there in the future. Meanwhile CTC's Youth Theatre will begin work on their summer project after the Easter break- an as yet un-announced site specific project for Banbury, led by Jessie Braviner and Jess Lloyd Jones.